Wednesday, December 2, 2009


♪~Currently listening to~♪
Artist: Lacroix Despheres
Song: La vérité fermée (Inst.)

Hello, I hope everyone is doing good today. I'm doing okay. Good I guess.
School is hard work, isn't it? (*´Д`*).
Sometimes I feel like my hard work just doesn't count (・Д・) . I must try harder then? (*´Д`*) I already feel like I'm doing my best though... *Sigh- . Oh well. I'll just have to give it 200% then. (。´・д・)oオッ(。`・д・)=bケ〜♪

After school today I'm headed to church! Yay. I haven't gone to the Wednesday night youth group thing in a while. I miss it (´;д;`) . Also, after school I am thinking of going to Jack In The Box and getting something to eat. Yeah~

Not much to say today other then that. Good bye!


NicoleR said...

You make a lot of little signs like (*´Д`*) or something else like it in nearly all your writings and I have to say I like them. They're realy fun. At first sometimes I may not know what one is but after looking at it for a while I get it and laugh. It's so cute!:) ≧∀≦ (*・∀・)